Top 10

Conditionally Essential Nutritional Supplements

For Truly Nourished & Healthy Modern-Day People, Current To Future Generations, The World & More

After or alongside fully empowering the mind and/or spirit's most essential keys to healing & health. Plus adding healthier and healthier foods choices, as much as practical and possible, meal after meal, day by day... while emphasizing nutrient dense foods including ancestral, traditional and sustainable food choices and food preparation methods, which is validated as humanities most effective evidence based medicine (as referenced throughout this website including Golden-Age Aligning Nutrition Research & Guidelines pages),

Nutritional supplements are as essential & often far more practical including effective plus best investments strategies for successfully consuming all difficult to attain essential nutrients for healthy human life while providing Paradigm-shifting medical and health benefits.

This is because the best research data available has predicted that greater than 99% of people in the United States and worldwide do not meet international scientifically established referenced daily intake (RDI) of all essential nutrients needed to support healthy human life. For example (as summarized in figures below), leading national studies show that 50% of Americans due not consume adequate amounts of at least a dozen essential nutrients:

Globally, similar yet at distinct nutrient deficiency data is reported dependent on regions investigated as compiled here.

Related and as graph shown below from high impact Nature journal publications report, modern-day agricultural soils are not even presently capable of supplying essential human nutrients demands; although not necessarily if a healthy sustainable-minded humanity wisely unifies with Mother Earth... This includes inability to supply 3 billion people worldwide with adequate calcium, choline, vitamin E plus other trace minerals, over a billion with potassium, vitamins A and K, several B vitamins, essential fatty acids & amino acids, plus billions to millions with other essential nutrient needs.

As a result, people globally are consuming excessively heavy amount of calories laden yet nutrient deficient foods while following far under-powered "nutrition" plans. In fact, only select indigenous tribe members or people following comprehensive nutritional supplement plans combined with very wise eating plans totaling less than 1% of the population worldwide can claim to be receiving all adequate nutrients to maintain healthy human life and preventing or treating all diseases. As a result, humanity has unprecedented high incidences of chronic ills whose strongest risk factors and treatments are all nutrient & nutritional dependent including obesity/overweight, cardiometabolic disorders, immune disorders including but not limited autoimmune diseases, recurrent colds/flus, immune deficiencies, covid, cancer, etc. hormonal dysfunctions, premature aging, chronic pain including arthritis and other highly prevalent chronic conditions; where multiple minerals, polyphenols, prebiotic fibers, vitamins and/or fatty acids are consistently deficient.

And yet this is a better way!

By becoming wisely informed and intelligently attaining essential micro and macro nutrients though intelligently chosen nutrition supplements combined with healthier and healthier food consumption and overall mindset including forgiveness and other behaviors meal after meal and day after day... Supported and inspired by, of course, empowering your mind and/or spirit including all-essential development of true forgiveness for mindful right-minded support with nutritional supplement and food choices including psychoemotional poise to better and better control and mitigate short-sighted impulsive and/or compulsive habits based on nourishment from higher limitless nondual aspects of life.

Also being, in fact, also a tremendously wise long-term investment, when taking into account all resources including financial, stress, work hours, food acquisition and prep time, etc. it previously took to fill your stomach (yet not activate all that you are and can be) with excessive intake of less than most wisely-chosen nutrient deficient foods... Plus scientifically sound to miraculous consistently emerging short long-term happy benefits on the levels of mind, body and Spirit including medical, public health and relationships. Including being a clear positive example of healing, health, wisdom and love to those close to you, following in your lightened footsteps and the world for evermore silver, adamantine or diamond-like to golden years and generations to come!

"Health is the greatest wealth."

- Benjamin Franklin, Virgil, the Buddha....

Lists Of ALL Conditionally ESSENTIAL NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS To For Nourished Healthy Modern Day People

*Conditionally meaning that associated nutrient or physiological factor is optimized (i.e., no deficiencies, diseases or functional ailments exist with associated factor)

* Descriptions Including Conditionally Essential Indications & Evidence Based Rationale Included For All Essentials In Associated Sections

LOWEST AVAILABLE ONLINE PRICES are included for all top quality nutritional supplements listed in each category below (with direct links by clicking on any product) to:

Occasionally alternative suppliers including top-quality direct from manufacturer researched products and Tibetan, Chinese & Ayurvedic medicine formulas.

ESSENTIAL #1: MACROMINERALS AND TRACE MINERALS including VITAMINS D3 & K2 to quickly effectively & affordably supply foundational minerals that all humans and other earthly to celestial organisms plus other physical structures require for healthy form and function. Particularly important for modern humans and other organisms in modern days with as low as 10-50% mineral density found in modern-day foods in comparison to decades and centuries to millennia ago plus decreased outdoor activities including sunshine and other natural vital life exposures influencing absorption and utilization of essential nutrients previously in life.

"You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency." - Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel prizes

Conventional Medical Indications: Low bone density (i.e., osteoporosis or osteopenia including personal or family history of fractures [i.e., broken bone], recurrent falls and/or low weight/body mass index with particular focus on calcium, vitamin d, magnesium, k2, etc. containing mineral blends linked below such as prescription Fosteum, any calcified algae supplement and/or bioplasma to attain 1000-1200 mg of calcium per day through supplements and food and normal to optimized vitamin d serum levels, elevated blood pressure (i.e., hypertension, history of preclampsia, etc.) with particular focus on increasing potassium, magnesium and calcium plus lower sodium through nutrition and supplements such as  Electrolyte Stamina by Trace Minerals (although caution if taking a potassium-sparing diuretic, have chronic kidney disease or have otherwise been informed to limit potassium intake), current or history of low red blood count (rbc), iron or iron deficiency anemia (including rbc indices (hematocrit, hemoglobin, mchc, etc.), ferritin (iron storage levels), menstruating female with heavy menses or fatigue during menses and/or any individual with history of blood loss) with particular focus on increasing iron through one of the superior iron supplements containing 25+mg of purer more absorbable iron bisglycinate or oral varieties of Terramin clay, ideally in combination with Bioplasma and/or other mineral combinations, low serum levels of any mineral on standard comprehensive metabolic panel testing including but not limited to history of dehydration, excessive sweating, muscle spasms/cramps, syncope (i.e., passing out), adrenal insufficiency, heart arrhythmia, etc. such as potassium (choose Electrolyte Stamina by Trace Minerals), calcium (choose any calcified algae supplement), sodium (use Himalayan or Redmond Real Salt until sodium and blood pressure is normalized), magnesium (use any Trace Minerals product and/or magnesium glycinate or citrate, etc., which is a standard of care option when deficient and also for headaches, pain including arthritis in the form of epsom salt or dead sea salt baths plus an integrative treatment option with efficacy for hundreds of ailments), chloride (use any Trace Minerals product, which is important for dehydration plus an ever emerging topic including treatment option for various respiratory/pulmonary conditions and cardiovascular including left ventricle dysfunctions), history of calcium containing kidney stones take potassium citrate and/or magnesium citrate or consume Electrolyte Stamina with fresh lemon or lime juice daily, heartburn (i.e., gastro-esophageal reflux disease with true hyperacidity including forms that respond to TUMS or related calcium chewable heartburn/indigestion tablets) take Bioplasma with all to most meals, low 25-OH vitamin D levels take vitamin d/k2 product as recommended below to increase and maintain vitamin D levels in normal ranges.

Naturopathic-Integrative-Functional Medicine Indications (in additional to conventional indications above): Any overweight/obese individual especially those with heightened food cravings take Bioplasma or any Trace Minerals products, short or long-term memory or any other cognitive impairment at any age including poor dream recall take regular higher dosages of Bioplasma, calcified algae and/or any Trace Minerals products, all athletes or otherwise increase exercise/physical activity demands take Bioplasma and/or any Trace Minerals product, history of pernicious anemia/anemia of chronic disease/history of poor eating and/or malnourishment take Bioplasma and/or any Trace Minerals product, most pregnant or breast feeding mothers choose Bioplasma and/or any Trace Minerals product due to magnesium and overall higher minerals demands/efficacy for pregnancy and developmental support, any individual with appearance of lower bone density mass including but not limited to less developed teeth or any dental issues, thinner bone mass or joints of any extremity, the hip/pelvis, jaw, spine, etc. any form of pain take Bioplasma and/or any Trace Minerals products, decreased testosterone, libido or other sexual dysfunction take calcified algae and/or Bioplasma, any individual with anxiety, heightened stress  response and/or sleep issues including insomnia take Bioplasma regularly and/or any Trace Minerals product for magnesium and trace minerals, acne or skin appearance concerns take pearl supplement, hair loss/thinning take Bioplasma and/or Trace Minerals product with BioSil, low flexibility, collagen strength, muscle tone, and/or pliability of muscles take any Trace Minerals product and/or Bioplasma ideally with BioSil, to improve posture/balance take any calcified algae product, Bioplasma and/or Trace Minerals product, chronic fatigue take Primavie Shilajit ideally with Bioplasma and/or any Trace Minerals product, poor dream recall/deep sleep take raw calcium and/or Bioplasma or any Trace Minerals Product.

Ancient-Traditional Medicine Including Meditative & Spiritual Indications: To increase overall structure of body while supporting utilization of all other nutrients consumed, to improve ability to sit and focus in meditation and related postures for prolonged and/or consistent periods, to support development of adamantine (i.e., diamond-like) bone and overall metaphysical structure toward heightened meditation, mindfulness and/or spiritual states plus related goals/aims take a Tibetan calcite formula, Bioplasma and/or other mineral combination(s) listed below ideally silica and medicinal herbal medicines.


All of the minerals listed below with the exception of prescription Fosteum may be taken either with or without food independent of what the label states. If being taken away from food, take with good quantities of water and/or a hot tea with or without quality raw honey, which is a traditional way to take minerals including first thing in the morning and/or before bed.

Many people will benefit most from peaking mineral consumption during full moon phases while gentle to considerably weaning down dosages during waning moon periods (from full to new moon) and weaning up during dosages during waxing periods (from new to peaks again at full moon). This process being more gentle or avoided by those with osteoporosis, osteopenia, hypertension or otherwise increased macro mineral (i.e., for calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, etc.) need. Waning to new moon and waxing or full moon periods overall being natural cyclic periods for gentle to considerable lower vs. higher mineral and overall food intake, respectively. Whereas full moon represent highest physical and outward healing including activity and new moons represent great inner including mind and/or Spirit levels of healing – with always greater non-extreme “middle way” developing emphasis on the mind over physical cultivation where all healing truly occurs, best achieved until higher stages by a mind and body approach (as has been discussed in other sections of website). Additional essential importance of building/actions vs. cleansing/honing/inactivity during waxing to full and waning to new moon cycles, respectively is or will be added to spiritual, religious and secular wisdom cultivation pages. Being an essential technique for all truly successful beings who very wisely work with and not against seemingly immovable natural laws. 

It is best to take small doses of 1-3 capsules or pellets at a time to prevent calcium and otherwise mineral overloads, which may or may not produce unpleasant effects. While also ensuring that no side effects are incurred either while taking on an empty stomach, taking higher dosages or otherwise.

As most minerals have alkalinization effects on the body, mindfulness should be had when taking during meals as it can suppress stomach acid strength, which may have positive or negative therapeutic effects depending on the functional status of your stomach (i.e., people who have true elevated stomach acids, including those who feel relief from standard Tums and related calcium-based antiacids should take low to moderate dosage 1-3 tablet or pellet doses of any of these minerals during meals (especially Bioplasma or any calcified algae variety) especially if a therapeutic benefits are experienced. However, a good % of people with heartburn or overall also have a tendency for lower stomach acid (especially common in the elderly) and these people should generally avoid taking minerals or at least more than smallest dosages during meals.

As suggested below, ideally a combination of different minerals is best either in a small dosage per day of each or cycling pattern – at least until you recognize which minerals are most therapeutic for you personally – while also perhaps obviously first taking into account medical indication listed above and utilizing that mineral combination as your primary blend. 

The best combination for most adults, if possible, are Bioplasma (3-7 pellets daily), Electrolyte Stamina (3-6 tablets per day; unless on potassium restriction discussed above then choose Trace Mineral drops), Tibetan Calcite, Raw or Alive Calcium at 1-4 pills per day to reach 1000-1200mg of calcium/day (or Fosteum at recommended 2 pill per day dose if osteoporosis).
     After months to year(s) of this protocol dosage could be minimized to potentially eliminated, as minerals stores are optimally established including bones of adamantine (i.e., diamond-like nature). 


Start with one that is most indicated based on medical and health goals and-or as intuitively guided.

Or ideally, blend lower dosages of all three or a related secondary choice product below.

Bioplasma has been a top selling, very wisely physician-designed multi-mineral supplements for nearly a hundred years. It contains a combination of the top twelve most abundant mineral combination is the human body and other organisms including cellular structure. Offering a well-balanced supply of the most essential mineral combinations with countless benefits attributed to its usage including over 9000+ >4.5-star average reviews on Amazon plus other retailers.

Ingredients: Calc Flour aka Calcium Flouride, Calc Phos aka Calcium Phosphate, Calc Sulph aka Calcium Sulphate, Ferrum Phos aka Iron Phosphate, Kali Mur aka Potassium Chloride, Kali Phos aka Potassium Phosphate, Kali Sulph aka Potassium Sulphate, Mag Phos aka Magnesium Phosphate, Nat Mur aka Sodium Chloride, Nat Phos aka Sodium Phosphate, Nat Sulph aka Sodium Sulphate and Silacea aka Silica in a Acacia Gum & Lactose base.

Adults: Dissolve 3-7 tablets into mouth or beneath tongue 2-3x per day.

Infants & Children (best choice overall due to lactose [same sweetener as mother's breast milk] based "sweet medicine" taste): Dissolve 1-3 tablets into mouth or beneath tongue 1-3x per day.

A top quality calcified algae based multi-mineral formula with naturally occurring 72+ trace minerals plus a good concentrations of a wide range of additional bone supporting minerals including top-quality algae based calcium, algae and dead sea salt based magnesium, vitamin c and k2, silica, strontium, boron and vanadium within a base of digestive enzymes and leading strain of probiotics. Importantly, algae based calcium (as well as calcium when combined with magnesium and k2) can be taken at higher dosages without risk of atherosclerosis well reported from standard calcium supplements at dosages greater than 500mg/day.

Recommended dosage is 2 to 4 capsules per day - or enough to attain a total daily calcium intake of 1000mg/day when combined with all foods, other mineral and mineral waters consumed; which generally fall within this capsules range. Take 1-2 caps with meals or first thing in the morning and/or before bed ideally w a cup of hot decaf or regular green or herbal tea respectively with a touch of quality raw honey (or as directed on package)

Those looking for a potentially more advanced ancient-traditional formula should choose Tibetan Calcite Formula listed below based on ancient wisdom including use for slimming and producing adamantine (i.e., diamond) bodies including but not limited bone structures, which some people including Amazon reviews also similarly experience with the Raw Calcium version above. Natural Pearl based traditional Chinese calcite and synergists formula also available with added potential skin appearance, moon, soul... supporting benefits.

A more convenient, in our opinion, tablet version of selling trace mineral drops products. Containing therapeutic doses on 80+ trace minerals and magnesium derived from the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Plus option of added potassium in 40,000 Volts and Electrolyte Stamina and other synergists, which are preferred choices for most but not all people including those with high blood pressure, muscle pain/cramps, athletes, etc as listed above. This is because potassium followed by magnesium and trace minerals are the most deficient and difficult to obtain RDI levels while being essential for all aspects of physiological and psychological health.

40,000 Volts is also a to the main supplement utilized and now repackaged by Tom Brady (along with dietary lectin-avoidance, high polyphenol and overall nutrient dense foods) helped to incredibly transform his career from an injury prone mediocre nfl quarterback to winning more superbowls, mvps and records than essentially anyone in professional sports history yet!


A Top-Quality, Ideally Dosed & Best Priced

Vitamin D being essential for calcium and other minerals absorption and assimilation including prevention and overcoming of 1000s of medical conditions. Practically everyone in the world is deficient in vitamin d, even those living in consistently sunny environments due to lowered outdoor including sun exposure.

 Vitamin K2 (which is very practically and medicinally supplied in combination with D3) being an essential nutrient found as MK-7 variety in Japanese natto (very medicinal fermented soybean), many traditional grass-fed dairy and meat sources plus other healthy bacterial fermented products, that directs calcium to the bone (to cardiovascular health plus bone density, bone marrow, etc function) rather than blood vessels – whereas calcium deposits can cause hardening of arteries/atherosclerosis plaques and resultant heart disease – including a number for epidemiological studies showing 50-75% reduction in cardiovascular diseases by those with higher vs. lower vitamin k2 intake 

        Also medicinal K2 MK-4 (or menaquinone-4) subtype is produced by humans and other vertebrae directly and not through bacterial fermentation mechanism. Higher concentration of MK-4  are found in the brain (including being the most abundant form of form of vitamin k there), kidney, pancreas and testes, while providing novel benefits. Most notably being bone density including fracture prevention effects – including supplemental versions being approved in Japan for the treatment of osteoporosis that require relatively  very high supplementation (i.e., 45-90mg / day). Yet also may provide novel benefits at lower dosages through enhanced physiological intake of vitamin k humans convert MK-4 from), adequate fatty acid, protein, etc. vitamin k as well lower dose supplementation (i.e., 100 to 500 “mcg”rather than 45-90 mg / day as used for bone density) including potential brain myelination including psychiatric related, kidney function, testosterone production and other novel benefits,  which is the dosage supplied in the second-choice recommended vitamin d3/k2 product listed above.


Adults should aim for 5000iu of Vitamin D3 per day w about 100mcg of K2 (or 1 capsule per day) & Infants/Children, the contents of 1 to 4 capsules per week (depending on age, serum levels, comfort including professional healthcare guidelines) – OR – to attain/maintain optimal levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels (as shown in chart below). Higher doses of vitamin d at 2 to 10x the above dosage may be used for short 1-3 day periods for acute cold/flu symptoms especially in cases of sore throat. Nearly everyone with recurrent sore throats have low vitamin D levels. 

Figure source: Physicians Second Opinon. With a side note that optional levels for many individuals can safely reach within the “cancer and heart disease treatment” levels listed in chart. In fact, indigenous tribes living at or near the equator with the healthiest heart including practically zero cardiovascular disease as well as physiological development, intestinal flora/function, etc maintain 25-hydroxyvitamin d levels between 90-110 ng/ml through sun exposure alone. In ideal sunny equator environments, up to 50,000iu of vitamin d can be produced in 30-60min of sun exposure.



TO BE USED AS SYNERGISTIC COMBINATION OR AS ALTERNATIVE TO 12-IN-1 BIOPLASMA with indications listed in each product description plus additional guidelines as discussed in Astrology Sign Supporting Integrative Medicines page - based on traditional to anciently established linkage between astrological signs and specific mineral combinations that are preferred for utilization including deficiency and associated disease plus preventive medicine/health optimization potential.

Additional Calcified Algae Based Calcium & Magnesium, 72+ Trace Minerals Formulas

Another similar top quality calcified algae based multi-mineral formula with good concentrations of a wide range of additional bone supporting minerals beyond a top quality calcium including magnesium (albeit lower dosages, vitamin c and k2, silica and strontium, boron within a base of fruit and vegetable concentrates. Importantly, algae based calcium (as well as calcium when combined with magnesium and k2) can be taken at higher dosages without risk of atherosclerosis well reported from standard calcium supplements at dosages greater than 500mg/day.

Recommended dosage is 2 to 4 tablets per day - or enough to attain a total daily calcium intake of at least 1000mg/day when combined with all foods, other mineral and mineral waters consumed; which generally falls within this tablet range. Free My Fitness pal or another quality daily nutrient calculation program can be used to help initially determine this. Take 1-2 caps first thing in the morning and/or before bed ideally w a cup of hot decaf or regular green or herbal tea respectively with a touch of quality raw honey (or as directed on package).

This is also a second best choice for individuals with osteopenia and/or osteoporosis after recently FDA-approved prescription Fosteum Plus described below. May also be combined with genistein from soy or sophora japonica extract (at dosages of not greater than 27mg per day) to likely reach or exceed benefits of Fosteum Plus.

72+ Trace Mineral, Calcified Algae with higher calcium, Givomag (sea water based magnesium and phosphate blend) and mineral utilization probiotics and other synergist. This is also a top choice for individuals with osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis) especially with presence of bone spurs/osteophytes, where phosphate becomes more clinically relevant for many.

A top quality calcified algae based multi-mineral formula with good concentrations of a wide range of additional bone supporting minerals beyond a top quality calcium including medicinal dosages of dead sea salt based magnesium, vitamin c and k2, silica, strontium, boron and vanadium within a base of digestive enzymes and leading strain of probiotics. Importantly, algae based calcium (as well as calcium when combined with magnesium and k2) can be taken at higher dosages without risk of atherosclerosis well reported from standard calcium supplements at dosages greater than 500mg/day.

Recommended dosage is 2 to 4 capsules per day - or enough to attain a total daily calcium intake of 1000mg/day when combined with all foods, other mineral and mineral waters consumed; which generally fall within this capsules range. Free My Fitness Pal or another free quality daily nutrient calculation programs to help initially determine this. Take 1-2 caps first thing in the morning and/or before bed ideally w a cup of hot decaf or regular green or herbal tea respectively with a touch of quality raw honey (or as directed on package)

This is also a second best choice for individuals with osteopenia and/or osteoporosis after recently FDA-approved prescription Fosteum Plus described below. May also be combined with genistein from soy or sophora japonica extract (at dosages of not greater than 27mg per day) to likely reach or exceed benefits of Fosteum Plus.

Ancient-Tradtional Medicinal Including Adamantine (i.e., Diamond) Body Building Formulas

A Tibetan herbal formula containing purified calcite, the most stabilized crystalline and potentially medicinal variety of common calcium carbonate. Calcite is found in larger deposits in mountain and other rather pristine natural geographical regions as well as in small quantities with calcium based mineral matrix of bone, eggshell, calcified algae, plants and others. Quality calcite has an adamantine or diamond-like strength and refraction capacity. Purified calcite deposits (through repetitive boiling, crushing, grinding in moon and/or sun light) is the #1 initial choice medicine for Himalayan yogi (followed by pristine herbs, water, air, medicinal refined foods) including beings that have attained rainbow bodies and Buddha status - upon prolonged (often years to even decade long retreats) into caves for advanced meditation, realization and world enlightening purposes. This is one of the most reputable version readily available from the Tibetan medicine producer endorsed by the Dalai Lama. Shipment takes approximately 1-month. And feel free to contact us for quicker stock we may have on hand of this or similar purified calcite containing Tibetan formulas. Dosage is 1/2 to 1 package per day ideally taken first thing in morning and/or before bed with hot regular or decaf green or herbal tea respectively with quality raw honey (or as directed on package). It is also plausible to locate natural calcite deposits locally, boiling several times to purify then grinding alike Tibetan Formulas - although purity obviously cannot be guaranteed.

Sustainable Natural Pearl powder, containing high levels of calcite, nacre and other high luster forms of calcium bound in an organic matrix of amino acids. A personal including next-level wise child and adult favorite, ground pearl are used in traditional Tibetan, Chinese and Indian medicine to build strong bones and health skin appearance (both orally and topically). Pearls are traditionally used to support soul and moon energy when worn (see our Astrological supporting Integrative Medicine webpage for more info) as well as internally. This is the best form of natural sustainable pearl powder available from a reputable third-party tested for impurites GMP U.S. based traditional Chinese medicine formula company. Here, I must share a remarkable story of offering this pearl powder to my 2-year old daughter who joyfully consumed several capsules worth of contents, including far more than I could stomach, licking the bowl it was offered in and asking for more and more... This being before she consumed any unnatural common foods and had a palate that was incredible wise and discerning - as is the case with many to most children before the are unfortunately conditioned (including but not limited to gut flora changes). In any case, we use this to emphasize the health properties of this product. In time, perhaps the remarkable 5 minute long video of her joyfully consuming will be shared with permission of course.

Shilajit is a relatively popular purified concentrate of ancient natural plant mineral deposits that contain a wide range of minerals plus also medicinal fulvic and/or humic acids. This product is chosen (containing Primavie brand shilajit) because it is well-tested to not contain heavy metals or other potentially toxic contaminants that have been found in other shilajit concentrates. This version also is likely the most research variety with efficacy for relatively quick support of energy, fatigue and exercsise capacity, testosterone and other hormone increase in aging male and other populations, cognitive, psychiatric, cardiometabolic, gastrointestinal, bone/collagen, immune and overall health/well-being enhancement product. It is traditionally used in Tibetan, Indian and Chinese medicines for these and other youth, antiaging and vitality supporting properties.

PRESCRIPTION FOSTEUM PLUS Genistein Soy Extract Plus Calcium, Zinc, Vitamins D & K2 (FDA-Approved In 2023 For Osteoporosis)

An FDA approved prescription medication to treat osteoporosis containing 27mg of genistein (medicinal soy extract) plus recommended dosages of calcium (500 mg), phosphate (70 mg), vitamin d (400 iu), zinc (20 mg) and k2 (90 mcg) - in a relatively convenient 2 capsule per day dosage. It is reported to improve bone mineral density in long-term usage by approximately 10% (less than rx bisphosphonates with 15-20+%) yet apparently more physiologically natural including providing additive benefits for cardiovascular health, menopausal symptoms, brain health including dementia, immune including bone marrow health, etc. due to fairly well researched benefits of genistein. Should be generally avoided by those with personal or strong family history of estrogen sensitive cancers. Yet overall, appears to be a relatively very safe including our personal first-line choice for those with osteoporosis. Some but not all healthcare providers with prescribe, generally due to its relatively new FDA approval and unfamiliarity including potentially biases. This is a product we prescribe to established patients with osteoporosis plus osteopenia, when covered by insurance.


Leading including physiological identical silica supplement bound to choline (one of the most deficient nutrients as cited above) that is well-researched to directly improve collagen production including skin appearance as well as bone mineral density - and essentially improves the appearance and strength of most to all connective tissue throughout the body. Silica (in form of quartz) is the most abundant mineral in the earth's crust by far and provides incredible properties including related physiologically. Silica is also the mineral most associated with Jupiter/Zeus, a to the auspicously benevolent primary force of goodness including liberation and enlightenment in the world (see Astrology based Integrative Medicine page for more info) - seemingly attesting to the benevolent actions of this medicine. Related, silica in topical form has relatively just recently been validated as the leading plus very affordable scar appearance treatment. Too high dosages of silica is certainly no good (especially if inhaled due to potential lung sharing/toxicity), although adequate levels are essential for overall health and generally deficient in many to most individuals. Top approved food sources of silica including green beans, bamboo shoots, and heart of palm (made into a vegetarian ceviche is especially good), yet supplement should also be considered by many after minerals above to improve their utilization, overall collagen, skin and connective tissue health including appearance and overall health.

ESSENTIAL #2: OMEGA-3s & Other Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

Most important to initially focus on is omega-3, which over 95% of people are deficient in and as is substantiated by well over a million peer-reviewed research publications
Google Scholar for complete reference library

Follow this up w adequate levels of other EFAs by nutritional, supplement and/or topical usage.
To support healthy concentrations including ratios found in healthy human blood and other tissue/fluids like red/white blood cells, skin, breast milk, amniotic fluids, etc.
 Which appears essentially along the line of 
Palmitic Acid and related saturated fats > omega-9 oleic acid = omega-6 Linoleic > Arachidonic Acid = EPA/DHA/2DPA = GLA = MCT > ALA > Palmitoleic omega-7

Attainable by gradually implementing all of the following (with best product choices listed further below):
i. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation (or 3+ serving wild omega-3 risk per week) totalling 1000-3000mg DHA/EPA per day
ii. Organic polyphenol-rich extra virgin olive oil (no limit and at least 1 tablespoons per day) or 1/3-1/2 an avocado for well-balanced oleic acid plus palmitic acid and other EFAs.
iii. Avoid more than moderate consumption of essential yet inflammatory omega-6 linoleic acid and related found in most processed and restaurant including fast foods from vegetable, soy, corn, canola, safflower, sunflower. Instead consume organic sesame oil (1+ tablespoon per day, if do not eat fast processed foods regularly), tahini, almonds or pistachios for linoleic acid well-balanced with oleic acid and other EFAs
iv. Limit saturated fats including higher fat meat and cow or other animal dairy consumption to about 2 servings per week (and best to choose A2 casein, grass-fed and organic varieties. Instead choose organic MCT oil (or coconut/sustainable palm meat, oil or butter if cholesterol is not high and no related genetic risk to consuming; 1/2-1+ tablespoon or equivalent per day).

v. Organic hemp oil or hemp seeds (1 tsp or 1/2 to 1+ tbsp per day) or supplement for GLA plus additional ALA
vi. Organic walnuts or pecans, golden flax seed oil or sprouted ground per day (1 tsp oil or 1-3 tbsp seed to nut per) for ALA
vii. Organic Himalayan sea buckthorn oil or fruit and/or macadamia nut or oil (500mg+ omega-7 per day and other EFAs possibly in more winter and summer months respectively)
viii. Organic pomegranate (about 500mg per day or 1 tbsp of pomegranate seeds for omega-5 and added polyphenol benefits).
ix. Conjugated linoleic acid (nearly exclusively extracted from safflower) about 500mg per day
x. Fat from dairy and meats contain components of i-iv., and as a general rule should be restricted to not more than 2 standard servings per week. Some people could get away with more dairy yet should be limited and only best versions chosen (see Golden Age Nutritional for more) by individuals with elevated cholesterol levels, APOE+ genetic profile, heart disease or dementia including risk,
type 1 and 2 diabetes, elevated pristanic / phytanic acids levels on C8-C26 fatty acid panel testing, lactose or A1 casein intolerances, food allergies and sensitivities, digestive issues, ear infection and other ear issues, atopic dermatitis…

Contact us if you are interested in: Insurance-eligible lab testing for all EFAs and other in-born errors of fatty acid metabolism (i.e, C8-C26 Fatty Acid Panel by Quest Labs), which we began offering in 2023.
Acquiring a combination EFA product containing all of above and medicinally more, which we are currently developing and researching and/or

Top OMEGA-3s Choices
Top Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) Choices

Medicinal effect which are established by a growing million+ research studies. Olive oil also has as rich of a history that any other substance including dozens of references in Biblical texts related to sacred ointment, oil of the Holy Spirit, recommendations that olive oil be one's food whereas olive leaf to be one's medicine due to polyphenols it including this oil contains...

As many but not all are aware, a majority of being diluted with inferior oils that need not be labelled and/or stored and subject to conditions that lead to rancidity and toxicity. Toxicity that is actually identifiable and not uncommon to see on C8-C26 Fatty Acid blood testing including is a major risk factor for a host of age-related chronic health conditions at the cellular, nerve, immune and cardiovascular level. High content of oleic acid being a top 3 most prevalent EFA found in healthy blood, breast milk and other physiological fluids/tissues. It is also a leading EFA to support metabolic health including abdominal obesity, cardiovascular health, glucose regulation including diabetes, brain health including dementia risk, immune health including considerably lower cancer risk and hundreds of additional validated benefit. Its medicinal benefits being the main key to the Mediterranea diet as well as two Blue zones (in Sardinia, Italy and Icaria, Greece with 10x number of generally healthy functional centenarians or 100+ year aged people). Populations of which who liberally use similar quality EVOO at incredibly high levels of 1 liter per week! Which is a dosage we suggest you aim for while forgiving yourself if you can't consume this rather incredible amount... While at least using as the primary culinary and medicinal including topical oil preferably unheated or at low to medium heats, although most studies also show that quality EVOO is still stable at high temperatures.

Top Omega-6 (LA & GLA), ALA and MCT

Riboceine (d-ribose-l-cysteine) is clearly the top choice including most effective and well-researched glutathione booster - although comes with a $50-75/month essentially lifetime investment, which I personally have payed same amount on for years (and after a decade of resistance while benefiting from alternative glutathione booster yet not nearly as much as from this leading anti-aging and overall health product). Developed by a Japanese scientist commissioned decades ago by the Veterans' Association to help prevent high need for liver transplants due to agent orange, alcohol and high levels of of other toxin exposure in armed service members. Since then it has been investigated by independently researched by major research institutes including NASA, the National Institutes Of Health and others - where it has been shown to improve glutathione several times greater than any other agent, raise glutathione in difficult to target tissues, reduce radiation damage more than any other agent investigated, improve glucose levels more effectively and safer than any diabetes drug and a wide range of other benefits. Also importantly, despite pressure to turn into a billion $ pharmacological agent to target specific conditions, the research team behind its discovery resisted pressures knowing that it was best served as a nutraceutical available to the public to more globally treat and prevent the hundreds to thousands of medical conditioned linked to glutathione deficiency and/or treatable by raising glutathione to levels riboceine is capable of.